Thursday, March 28, 2013


Andrew Eldon Kilgus 
4 ponds 7oz. 18 in

born 2:20 March 28 2013
to the proud Mom And Dad of Justin and Kaylee Kilgus !!!!!!!!!

The Grandparents are the late Eldon And Stephen Kaeb And Paul And Carmon Kilgus !!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Maggy Jo

Maggy Jo
3-20-12  1-22-13

As most of you know I got Maggy when my Best Friend Kaylee Kabe  got Married to Justin Kilugs . Maggy was the best little Mouse there was. We would jam out to Music well I would and Maggy just sat in her cage and let me jam out to what ever I was in the mood for . I loved her little noses she would make, and the way she liked to hide. Maggy loved to hide her food where ever she could in her cage. 
We had some good times and bad time. Maggy was there for me when Stephen And Eldon Kaeb passed away in October of 2012 . 
Maggy had many Friends in Church and out of Church. Maggys friends would come up to me and ask how she is doing and I would tell them she is doing Great and they would laugh and Smile. 
We had just got done with Christmas when I noted that something was worng with Maggy 
it tunred out to be that Maggy had a bad case of Mice Lice but we did not know till I took her to the vets so I spent a lot of money just to find out that she had Mice Lice and so I bought her the meds to make her all better and I was going to have to put it on her for the next 6 weeks but sadly last Tuesday Maggy Passed away . And now her cage is empty and it makes me sad to see her cage empty some times I think I hear her and when I look no one is there and that makes me sad .


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Reminder of Life

If I could have a beer with Jesus 
Heaven knows I'd sip it nice and slow
I'd try to pick a place that ain`t to crowded
Or gladly go wherever he wants to go

You can bet I'd order up a couple tall ones
Tell the waitress put `em on my tab
I'd be sure to let him do the talkin`
Careful when I got the chance to ask

How'd you turn the other cheek
To save a sorry soul like me
Do hear the prays I send
What happens when life ends?
And when you think you're comin` back again
I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it
If I could have a beer with Jesus

If I could have a beer with Jesus
I'd put my whole paycheck in that jukebox
Fill it up with nothing but the good stuff
Sit somewhere we couldn't see the clock

Ask him how'd he turn the other cheek
To save a sorry soul like me
Have you been there from the start
How'd you change a sinner`s heart
And is heaven really just beyond the stars
I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it
If I could have a beer with Jesus

He can probably only stay, for just a couple rounds
But I hope and pray he's stayin` till we shut the whole place down

Ask him how'd he turn the other cheek
To save a sorry soul like me
What's on the other side?
Is mom and daddy alright?
And if it ain't trouble tell them I said hi
I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it
If I could have a beer with Jesus
I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it
If I could have a beer with Jesus

even tho i do not drink this is some thing we should all have just without the beer part

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


These are to to who are at Rest  in the 2nd Pic

Today I went to see my coz grave for the first time since there death. It was hard but they are in a better place

Monday, October 22, 2012

Congratulations to the KILGUS FAMILY

God works in times when we need him the most !!!!

To my Best Friend Kaylee & her Husband Justin Kilgus on the news of a new BABY on the way .

Kaylee - I know your MOM and DAD would be very happy to have a grandchild to love but know that this Baby is a blessing from god . This Baby will have not 1 Angel but 2 looking out for it . And even tho you are sad that your mom and dad are not here may this little one make times seem that they are still here with you and Justin.

I love you and will help with what ever I can when this little one comes into your life.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Vanilla- Sugar Body Scrub

4 c. sugar

1 c. baby oil

3 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. of any extract

3/4 c.aloe vera gel

mix all ingerdients Store in jars or airtight 


I made this on Thursday I put peppermint 

extract in mine and it smells wonderful.

I also used green aloe vera gel instead of 

white the green gave it a cool color.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Family Part 7

Local couple dies in car crash; leave behind 9 children

By Maggie Vespa
By Corey Spencer

October 8, 2012

RURAL CHENOA, Ill. -- A local couple is dead following a Sunday night crash in rural McLean County. They leave behind nine children.
Area police are working to determine what caused that crash, especially since it was a route the couple knew well.
Sunday night, Eldon and Stephanie Kaeb were headed to Wisconsin to pick up supplies for their farm.
The McLean County Coroner says it's a trip they made almost weekly.
Shortly after 9 p.m. the Kaebs, having just left a family gathering, were headed northbound on 3360 East, or Weston Blacktop, preparing to cross Route 24.
At the same time, a semi tractor trailer was approaching that intersection, heading West on 24 toward Chenoa.
Police say it was the Kaebs who, on that dark stretch of road, apparently missed a stop sign.
"There were skid marks at the scene. They apparently did see the stop sign too late, and were not able to stop," said Trooper Dustin Pierce of Illinois State Police, district 8. "They went underneath the semi and caused the back two axles of the semi trailer to go over the back two axles of the vehicle they were driving."
Eldon and Stephanie Kaeb, 52 and 45 years old respectively, died in the wreck.
A Tuesday autopsy showed that both Eldon and Stephanie Kaeb died of multiple blunt force injuries.
Meantime, their nine children, who range in age from early 20's to about six, are being cared for by other family members.